"Passport Money Ticket Mask PCR test Well let's go!". The excitement in the children's eyes was something I hadn't seen in over a year. We were going on our first holiday together since the Covid pandemic started. We drove to the airport not sure what to expect with all the new protocols. The first important thing to take note of is the big sign as you enter Harare Airport stating that only the travelling passengers are allowed to disembark in the drop-off zone. Vehicles will be clamped, drivers fined and spirits dampened should this be ignored. If you want to park and get out to help offload, park in the car park. The $2 will be cheaper than the fine! Entering the airport building is again restricted to passengers only. We presented our PCR negative test and walked through the spray sanitiser booth, temperature taken and were set for check-in!

"Welcome aboard our Airlink flight to Johannesburg. Please fasten your seat belt and keep your mask on for the duration of the flight, except whilst eating and drinking", and we were off!! Hand sanitiser as you enter the plane, masks onboard but otherwise, just like normal! We had some errands to run in Johannesburg otherwise we would have taken the direct flight. Airlink now operate a daily flight to Cape Town which is slightly more expensive but obviously very convenient. We checked back in for the domestic flight to Cape Town. OR Tambo was also very Covid compliant with temperature checks, sanitising stations and marked social distancing squares. The restaurants and shops were open and there was the general excitement felt inside an airport terminal building -the airport was buzzing! We boarded the domestic flight and sat back and relaxed. We were very surprised with the announcement that followed, "The South African Government have banned the in-flight food service on all domestic flights due to the Pandemic. " We were given a small bottle of water for the duration of the 2 hour flight. When we landed, we were given a packed lunch box with a sandwich, packet of chips and a chocolate. The crew requested that we all take a box and give it to the less fortunate should we not want to eat the food ourselves - a thoughtful gesture.

Our car hire fell through, literally at the last moment so we refreshed the Uber app and called for a taxi. Uber is a great way to get around. The fares are very reasonable and it alleviates the responsibility of having a car, getting lost, speeding and parking fines and the cost of fuel which is R16,63 a litre. We did have the misfortune of leaving a handbag with money, cards and original documents in one of their taxis. Upon realisation, we tried desperately to call Tapiwa, the Zimbabwean Uber driver, without success. Half an hour later he responded stating that he had had another passenger who he had picked up after us and she must have taken the bag…. Having taken it up with Uber, they accept no responsibility for items left in the vehicle. They did say they would cooperate with the Law Enforcement should we file a report. Not having the time to do that, we walked away from the expense mistake. I hear Didi is coming to South Africa and will run as competition to Uber - sometimes competition is good!

At last, after a long day's travelling, we checked into our apartment in Bloubergstrand. We had found this amazing place to stay literally across the road from the beach. Both booking.com and Airbnb have some amazing properties on their books and with the Pandemic, they are very reasonable at the moment. Travelling with a family, it makes perfect sense to have a "home from home" apartment. Just down the road was a small shopping centre and further along a number of restaurants to chose from. Mozambik has a very tasty menu with delicious fresh seafood, drinks and shooters on tap! Highly recommendable!

Let the adventures begin! There's so much to do in Cape Town - mountains to climb, seas to swim in (once you can't feel your toes anymore, the water is invigorating!), beaches to lie on, wine to taste, numerous malls to shop in and generally just relaxing, recharging and spending time with family and friends. We unfortunately landed up in Cape Town during the recent devastating fires. This however didn't deter the children from climbing Lions Head, the day after the fires started. It was a freezing morning, the wind was howling and the city covered in smoke. The children were determined but very careful. I spent a few very stressful hours sending WhatsApp messages to them, tidying the flat and cooking breakfast - as you do! The children came home with stories to tell and great photos!



Before we knew it, it was time to start packing our cases to come home. We needed to find a Covid testing centre for our PCR test… This took hours to find on a Sunday morning.. Eventually we found a Lancet laboratory at Century City. The results took 24 hours to come out. Well done Zimbabwe! We are so much more efficient, by far!

2020 was definitely one of the most stressful years that we have all lived through with lockdowns and uncertainty. Take time out and plan a holiday. It's long overdue and refreshing to your soul.

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